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Selling an Inherited Home in San Antonio

Have you recently inherited a home in the San Antonio area and need assistance selling it? Home and Land Partners of Texas can help you sell your inherited home quickly so you avoid having it sit idle and accumulate expenses. Many of our customers rely on us to sell their inherited homes as quickly as possible so they don’t lie vacant with the bills, taxes, and maintenance adding up. We help you get a fair price for your newly acquired property so you can receive the financial benefit from the sale in a timely manner.

couple in front of house

Assistance with Family and Will Disputes

What happens when no will was prepared at all? We can help you sort through labyrinthine issues regarding heirship and the home’s title, as well as provide invaluable assistance in the case of a dispute. We can help pay for the move for foreclosure situations or provide funds or direction for probate.  If you need help selling an inherited home in the San Antonio area, we strongly encourage you to give us a call to schedule a free consultation with Home and Land Partners of Texas. Time is of the essence!

Fair Cash Offers
Schedule a Free Consultation Today